The digital B2B sales guide
A strategic guide to success. Compact as an eBook.
Get the strategic guide for modern B2B sales and unleash the full potential of your team!
Find out in our eBook:
20 pages of concentrated sales power.
- How to use synergies and proactively identify opportunities thanks to the interlinking of sales & marketing
- How you can strategically position your company for the future in digital sales
- How HubSpot can help you as a digital platform for marketing, sales and service
- Including current figures, opinions & practical tips
These chapters await you:
1) Mastering digital B2B sales: How to unleash the full potential of your sales strategy.
- You need to know your B2B customer journey.
- These factors influence the purchase decision.
- Create simple touchpoints with customers
2) Modernize sales processes: What you need to know.
- Marketing automation and lead management
- AI in sales: Sales in the age of intelligence is changing fundamentally.
- Personalization: Tailor-made solutions for every customer need
- Marketing & sales are finally becoming a team.
3) Current developments and trends in sales
- E-commerce in B2B - it's finally an issue here too!
- Customer success management as a strategic approach
- Social selling: building relationships via social media and networks
- Outreach activities complement inbound marketing.